ATTENTION ALL JEDI PADAWANS AND APPRENTICES! In these challenging times, one must continue to learn, read, and write. These skills will help you make the future bright.
For a chance to win a signed book from Star Wars authors Michael Kogge (The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, Rebels, Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts Spellbinding Guide) and Kevin Shinick (Force Collector, Chewie and the Porgs), write a grade-appropriate essay to the following question:
Who is your favorite hero (or villain) in the Star Wars saga and why? Explain and use details.
Requirements: Grades K-2 = a few sentences, Grades 3-4 = 2 paragraphs, Grades 5-6 = 3 paragraphs, Grades 7-8 = 3-5 paragraphs.
Prize: The top three essays in each grade category will win signed a Star Wars book by author Michael Kogge and/or Kevin Shinick. (Book titles sent based on author selection and availability.)
Last date of entry: Monday, May the 4th, 2020, 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Entries Must Include: 1) first and last name, 2) school grade and age, 3) shipping address, 4) school and teacher (or home-school), 5) essay (photo attachments okay, no movies please).
Entries may be posted online, so don’t place last names on any photos.
Email entries to: writeryoda@gmail.com by deadline.
Teachers: If this is part of your lesson plan, please select the best essays in class to send. Individual students: You may also enter yourself.
Start writing—and may the Force be with you!
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